The Stone House at Lake Ossiach was the pinnacle of the work of the world-renowned architect Günther Domenig, demonstrating the innovative strength in his projects. Here, his ideas of design, technology and typology are combined, making the Steinhaus an architectural biography in form.
This building, the site and the construction, occupied Domenig from the 1970s. With its rugged, geometrically strict structure, poured in concrete, broken by cavities, the house reflects the special landscape configuration of the mountains. The transformation of elements of the regional landscape leads to an architectural sculpture with a palpable intensity of space. This inspiring setting is used for a multi-faceted programme of symposia, workshops and events. Two trusts, the Architektur Haus Kärnten and the Steinhaus Günther Domenig Privatstiftung are together leading the Domenig Stone House into a lively future.