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start live-chatSince 2018, there have been efforts to establish a trilateral cooperation between the Dobratsch Nature Park (AT), Prealpi Giulie Nature Park (IT) and the Triglav National Park (SI). This cross-border cooperation with the long-term goal of institutionalised cooperation connects for the first time the three major language and cultural groups in Europe - Slavs, Romans and Germanics.
The project addresses current joint and cross-border challenges. It is structured as follows:
> Analysis - Analysing cross-border visitor flows, identifying touristic hot and low spots and developing joint targeted measures with the involvement of stakeholders.
> Exchange - Active awareness raising for cultural treasures, the further development of tourism in terms of sustainability as well as the value of borderless nature.
> Action - Joint pilot actions link theory and practice with the aim of permanently preserving and experiencing history and culture as well as the natural treasures of the transboundary region.
The close cooperation between tourism and the nature parks in the Alps-Adriatic region and the border triangle within the framework of the project represents a novelty.
Project duration: 01/2024 - 01/2026
Project budget: € 935,602.53
EU funds: € 748,482.01
The project consortium consists of 6 organisations from AT and IT, all of which play an essential role in promoting sustainable tourism, economic, cultural and environmental developments in the tri-border region (AT-IT-SI). This group forms the Project Steering Group (PSG), which will meet regularly.
The lead partner (LP) is the Dobratsch Nature Park (NADO), which also coordinates the Austrian partners. On the other hand, there is the Prealpi Giulie Nature Park (PNPG; PP1), which will take over the main coordination of the Italian PP in parallel. Both institutions are important for the development of the Alps-Adriatic region, the protection of natural resources and raising awareness of sustainable lifestyles. The respective tourism organisations, the Villach Tourism Region (RVT; PP2) and the Tarvisio Tourism Region (CTT; PP5), also play an important role in the partnership. As important co-operation partners of the parks, they are essential for the tourism development of the regions. The partnership is completed by the participation of the University of Padova (UNDP; PP3) and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS; PP4). The two institutes will focus on analysing visitors and tourism carrying capacity (hotspots, lowspots) in the project area (WP2). While PNPG will concentrate on awareness-raising activities (WP3), NADO will take the lead in the implementation measures (WP4). All PPs will be actively involved in the project through specific activities. By participating in the activities of the other PPs, their expertise will be utilised.
This partner structure makes it possible to cover economic, social and environmental sustainability aspects that are necessary for long-term cooperation. Furthermore, each organisation has specific expertise for the implementation of the respective activities. In addition to the active partners, the project is supported by several strategic partner organisations: Comunità di Montagna del Gemonese, ISK Inštitut za slovensko kulturo - Istituto per la cultura slovena aps, Comunità di Montagna Canal de Ferro e Val Canale, PromoTurismoFVG, Marktgemeinde Arnoldstein, Legambiente FVG APS.
As LP, the NADO will be responsible for coordinating project management, reporting and internal project communication. External project communication will be handled jointly by all PPs.
The aim of the project is to establish sustainable cross-border tourism and cultural cooperation, which will be continued in an exemplary and binding manner beyond the project period through a cooperative tourism concept. An analysis of the tourism infrastructure and a participatory stakeholder process are to promote awareness of sustainable tourism and cultural peace processes in the border region between the leading regional protected areas (Dobratsch Nature Park, LP-NADO and Prelpi Giulie Nature Park, PP1-PNPG) in close cooperation with the responsible tourism organisations (PP2-Region Villach Tourismus, RVT and PP5-Tourism Organisation Tarvisio, CCT) and established research institutions (PP3-University of Padua, UNDP and PP4-Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, CUAS).
Joint activities and a close exchange between the partners and associated partners will strengthen trust in the long term and make the region fit for the European future. The project cooperation is based on important regulations such as the EU Green Deal with its missions, the SDGs and the biodiversity strategies. The objective of cross-border cooperation in the Alps-Adriatic region (border triangle) is primarily to promote sustainable and regional development towards a Peace Park. Through the exchange of knowledge, experience and resources, this innovative project aims to improve the region's competitiveness and quality of life.
The Villach Tourismus GmbH region is endeavouring to steer visitors from the summit area of the Dobratsch to other routes within the Alps-Adriatic region. To this end, in-depth communication and the quality standard of the alternative route Dobratsch Circular Hiking Trail (DoRuWaWe) and making the border triangle more attractive are important initiators for attracting visitors from the overcrowded Dobratsch summit.
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