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2 adults

Room 1


All information on arrival and departure

Find out here how best to travel to the Villach - Faaker See - Ossiacher See region. There are many different ways of travelling to and from the region - whether by car, bus, train or even plane. Travelling to the region by train is extremely easy and convenient. In addition to the free mobility offers with the Erlebnis CARD, you can also reach your accommodation easily and without traffic jams using the Carinthia train station shuttle.

by Car

Villach is the transport hub in the Eastern Alps with motorway connections to northern Italy, the Balkans, the Vienna region and Germany. This makes the region easy to reach and explore by car.

Of course, we also offer the infrastructure for travelling and mobility in the region with your electric vehicle:

All businesses in the region that offer charging facilities for your electric car can be found here.

by Train

Villach is one of the most important supra-regional railway hubs in the Eastern Alps with direct train connections to Southern and South-Eastern Europe as well as all important metropolitan regions in Central and Western Europe. All information on connections, including night and car trains to and from Villach can be found at

Car train:
The holiday express takes you from Hamburg or Düsseldorf directly to our holiday region in Villach.
All information and timetables can be found at www.urlaubs-express.en

The Train Line:
Use the service at to search for and directly book your international connection.


The FlixBus long-distance bus network to and from Villach, which operates daily, connects several destinations in Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Germany. In Villach, the Flixbus stops directly at the bus station opposite Villach main railway station on platforms 7 to 9.

All information about the offer and tickets can be found here.

by Plane

In addition to the nearby home airport Kärnten Airport / Klagenfurt, the Villach region has six other airports within a radius of around 200 kilometres. All in all, this provides an extraordinarily good range of worldwide flight connections.

Due to the good range of flight connections, a combination of several airports would also be possible for arrival and departure. All airports are connected to the city of Villach by train and long-distance bus or shuttle services. This simplifies the transfer from the airport to your accommodation. Various taxi companies offer flat rates to all the airports mentioned.

From the airport to your accommodation

There are several providers of shuttle and taxi services that connect the Villach region with the surrounding airports. Here you will find the shuttle providers that will take you to your accommodation quickly, easily and conveniently.

Carinthia Transfer: Favourable collective and individual transfers from and to Klagenfurt Airport and all other airports and train stations on request. More information at

With the S-Bahn and the ÖBB transfer: Ask your accommodation to send you the Erlebnis CARD for the region by e-mail in advance. This allows you to travel free of charge from Annabichl station (11 minutes' walk from the airport) on the S1 line to Villach main station. There you can then either change to public transport (bus, train, car sharing etc.) or order the ÖBB Transfer Carinthia by 8 pm the day before. This will take you directly to your accommodation.


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