FeWo Schützenhofer

Bodensdorf, Holiday apartment


Beds & rooms

  • bed / s: 16
  • holiday apartment/s: 4

Facilities / Services

  • car parking lot
  • cleaning
  • own garden

Farm facilities

  • poultry
  • sheep


  • outskirts of town


  • no board

Payment methods

  • bank transfer
  • cash payment

Sports / Leisure time

  • own beach


  • families
  • groups
  • non-smokers

FeWo Schützenhofer

Tschöranerweg 23

9551 Bodensdorf

0043 4243 2253

0043 650 470 3947


How to get to FeWo Schützenhofer

Non-binding inquiry to FeWo Schützenhofer

travel data

2 adults

personal information

check availability

2 adults

daily rate from

minimum stay in nights:

departure possible

departure not possible

arrival possible

arrival not possible

Please define the travel period and the number of nights requested.

Please define the day of departure. cancel

You selected from until

  • available
  • selection
  • partly available


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